Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Party's On!!!

After a brief interlude where we thought we might have a bidding war on our place today which forced a quick trip home to clean up and take the Frank out to get the house ready to show, we landed on a deal. Slightly less than we wanted but definitely satisfactory. I guess the buyer is probably saying "slightly more than we wanted but definitely satisfactory."

So, that means a few very key things. First, we are moving before June 5th. Second, I'm going to try to have a new HVAC system installed in my new house within the next 3 weeks. YIKES.

Thirdly, and most importantly. My graduation party is back on!!! It won't be much, probably a keg and some burgers, and of course some fire. If you can make it, please RSVP by phone or this blog so we can plan food accordingly. Please let others know that might be interested.


Blogger BAS said...

Sweet! Probably seems like it's been a long time to you, with all the stress - but actually I think all this has gone down incredibly fast! You might set a world record for time going from 2.33 houses down to 1.00 (if you sell the rental).

6:38 PM


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