Duhn…. Duhn duhn duhn, duhn duhn duuuuuhhnnnnnnnn

Got off the bus this morning and had just finished listening to the latest “Onion” podcasts.
(BTW, if you have an Ipod and don’t get these, you are crazy. Quick, 1 minute spoof newscasts that makes me laugh out loud almost everytime.)
As I started walking toward my building I switched over to the Rocky Soundtrack and kicked in some “Eye of the Tiger.” As I walked toward the towering Purple and Teal, Luvs and Pampers banners with the beat matching every step I felt my intensity and productivity increasing. I gave Kandoo (The Frog) and high five, (actually a low five, his arms aren’t above his head, and yes we have a 5 foot tall statue of Kandoo in my lobby) and I just knew that today was going to be a good day.

I thought the “Eye” would only work in sports situations but I am kicking butt today!!! When I’m done with this project, you guys are going to see the greatest training pant that ever was created. Huggies Suck!!!
We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again
It's the final countdown...
2:05 PM
this totally reminds me of one of those Peyton Manning "biggest fan" commercials. No one makes diapers like you, can I have your autograph???
3:51 PM
I don't know how I feel about low-fiveing Kandoo. Isn't he the one teaching kids to clean up afterword? I suspect his little frog legs are pretty germy. Eww.
3:25 PM
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