Thursday, February 23, 2006

This kid is going places.

For my close friends, you know why this picture practically brings tears to my eyes. I'm so glad that there are youth out there that renew my faith in future generations.


Blogger Jared said...

there is now reason to believe that the world will be in at least one good set of hands for the generation after ours. bravo justin for planting seeds....

7:00 PM

Blogger sarah cool said...

Save the world... make it a better place - for you, and for me, and for the entire human race... make it a better place, for future generations...

Michael wanted to leave this as his own comment, but you don't allow non-bloggers to leave comments, he said he'd be satisfied if I signed it for him.


7:19 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

So, did you teach the little one to share with her uncle?

12:04 PM

Blogger ashley said...

This kid is going to only one place... an AA meeting.

11:06 AM

Blogger Jon A. Owens said...

Dude, you could get SO busted for having a picture of you giving alcohol to a minor (a waaaaay minor) on your blog. I just might need to remove my link to your blog, in order to avoid guilt by association!

12:05 PM


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