Monday, February 06, 2006

In a meeting

Life at P&G from the outside sounds really boring... and I suppose there is some truth to that although I do admit I like my job. It's funny though because 95% of my job is meetings and email. With a big chunk of that the meeting portion. I'm actually in a conference call right now.

I have to admit I sorta slacked off last week, especially on a small project I am just "helping" on. We're reviewing a follow-up list right now and I completely forgot to do some of my follow-ups... or at least I think I forgot. Of the roughly 10 items I had, 4 I actually did complete. However, 5 others, just as I was about to apologize for slacking, someone else chimed in and gave my update as complete.... it was very eerie. Unfortunately, one time someone on the call sneezed loudly and I couldn't hear anything except... "Justin has (asdfasdfopioijioadfasdfasdfk;lkjasdf)... So we're good." Didn't think I did anything on it so I have to figure that out.


Blogger BAS said...

That night, more Catan.

12:14 PM

Blogger Heidi said...

Ahhh-perhaps we can narrow down part of the problem to the line from your blogg saying, "I am on a conference call right now." I don't know anything about the corporate world, but...

6:52 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

this is hilarous. what makes me jealous about this story is that you CAN multi-task like this at work. if i'm in class, I have no option but to be fully involved. Of course, now the students are taking a quiz....

8:15 AM


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