I'm tagged

I got tagged by Jared to write this stuff so I'll be cool.
Four jobs I’ve had in my life
Lawn Mower
Emu Pen Cleaner (If you think they are cute, you are very wrong... very scary and dangerous)
McDonald's Crew Member
Engineering Draftsman
Four movies I can watch over and over
Princess Bride
Three Amigos
Usual Suspects
Christmas Vacation
Four places I have lived
Plainfield, IN
Hanover, IN (Home of Woody Boyd)
Colorado Springs, CO
Cincinnati, OH
Four TV shows I love to watch
American Choppers
Four places I have been on vacation
New York, NY
Cancun, Mexico
Western Europe
Four of my favourite dishes
My mom's lasagna
General Tso's Chicken
Skyline Chili
Black Rasberry Chip Ice Cream from Graeters (is that a dish?)
Four websites I visit daily
itunes music store
cnn.com (from mynetscape)
Four places I would rather be right now
At the gym
Watching Drum Corps
In a cabin in the woods with my wife and dog.
Trying to find tickets to the Colts/Seahawks in the Superbowl.
Four bloggers I am tagging
see you enjoyed that didn't you?
9:51 AM
I liked the picture of the emu.
"Dude, it's a llama!"
(If anyone can place that quote, you will be my hero this week and I will give you a dollar.)
9:57 AM
Princess Bride? Dude, what the merph? Everyone knows you really wanted to say Pretty Woman anyway.
Who is Woody Boyd? Woody Boyd = Katie Couric.
10:22 AM
sarah, it's from "dude where's my car?" of course. i love that movie...
1:52 PM
I LOVE THE EMU pic. I wonder if alpacas are any better. ILOVEALPACAS.COM!!!
4:50 AM
OK Jared, you get a buck.
11:32 AM
I realize that this is really late, but I am TERRIFIED of birds and there is nothing cute about a 6 foot tall one. It is the thing that nightmares are made of
6:52 AM
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