Deep thoughts... at least for me.
For those of you that know me... you know that I am pretty transparent. What you see is typically what you get. I'm reminded of a time in Drum Corps, I was laying on the floor of a gym in Illinois on my air mattress gazing up at the ceiling. Someone came up to me and said "Pennie for your thoughts"... I assume expecting some monumental comment from a young adult grasping with the meaning of life. Instead I told her my thoughts which were "I was wondering how they tied those ceiling joists into the columns during construction." Yeah, I'm pretty surface.... If I'm looking off into the distance and say I'm not thinking about anything.... I really am not thinking about anything. Seriously, I can completely not think about anything. I think it's a talent.
So, some slightly deep thoughts or realizations I've had lately. I just finished my MBA which really wasn't all that much of an accomplishment other than putting some time in. However, I realized that my MBA, and school in general has always been a means for an excuse to procrastinate on things you want to accomplish. For instance, "I'm going to start that business when I get out of school".... "I'll volunteer with church when I get out of school"... my personal favorite, "I'll help around the house more when I get out of school."
It was a little bit of an eerie feeling as I realized that when you are a student or in school you are actively trying to improve yourself and there is no question that you are doing something to make yourself better. Now that I'm not a student anymore, nor do I have any aspirations to be an official student again I'm stuck with the realization that I actually have to make myself better instead of relying on professors or classmates to propel me along.
I guess I'm all grown up now.
(Hey look, I learned how to add a picture!!)

Where are you and what the buff are you doing in that picture?
2:31 PM
excellent question...
6:05 PM
at least you're holding a beer...
6:06 PM
What drum corps were you in? And what did you play? I'm going to guess trombone since there is one hanging on your wall and I already know Jenn played picc.
7:30 PM
can someone explain what "what the buff" is to me?
11:24 AM
Two comments about that picture:
1) Nice fahrwood.
2) That doesn't look like a Weidemann's.
12:44 PM
One other comment about that picture ... Isn't that the branch that you tripped over when outside seeking fahrwood?
6:10 PM
a post on deep thoughts and all your comments are about your picture....:D
7:17 AM
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