Monday, January 23, 2006

SLC final post

The last day of the trip was comprised of some great skiing but then other events that were depressing. Snow was coming down hard on the mountain in the morning.... literally couldn't see 50 feet in front of you. As Jeff said, "That keeps the posers off the mountain" and makes for great skiing conditions. I had to remind him that I am probably in the poser category. I guess since I was there with a bunch of townies I can get lumped into none poser zone.

The skiing was awesome though. We found a great run that consisted of a short hike that no one was using, then we would come back and the wind and snow had covered our tracks. Very cool.

Unfortunately, that night I had two plans. Watch the Colts game and meet up with my buddy John Erdmann and his wife who live in SLC. He's a college buddy that sorta looks like Keenu Reeves. Unfortunately, John just bought a house and was really busy with that stuff, and we all know how the Colts game went.

Trip over - flew home the next day in a somewhat eventless flight.


Blogger BAS said...

Erd looks like Keanu Reeves? What the merph are you talking about?

9:05 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

An eventless flight - but then you got to see your WIFE afterwards, so it was an AWESOME day, right?!

5:28 PM

Blogger BAS said...

At least the lady behind him didn't yell at him to sit still, like what happened back in 2g. ("Excuse me! Excuse me!") My travel partner was so out of control.

6:33 PM

Blogger BAS said...

Keanu Reeves = Erdmann
Geraldo Rivera = Peyton Manning

3:23 AM

Blogger Jon A. Owens said...

Justin - howdy!

3:26 PM


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