Monday, May 01, 2006


I'll default to Jenn's post for my Friday night fun.... which was VERY FUN. Thanks to Wilcoxon, Jared, Burgie and or course Mark for the festivities and for not trashing our house which had a showing the following morning.

Saturday I went down the Red River Gorge to scout paths for a backpacking trip I'm taking some church kids on. I took the Frank so I could assess the pace of an 8 year old. He loves to hike despite his three legged walking. Found a pretty good loop too that I think the kids will like.

Sunday, spent the afternoon at the Fuji's in Louisville during our open house. Always great to see Kendall.

Then got home and got a call from the Realtor that we have an offer. He didn't know what it looked like yet and was going to forward it along as soon as he got to the office today. This could be a HUGE blessing if it's reasonable which I expect it will be. Freaking can't wait to see it though!!!!


Blogger Jenn said...

I REALLY HOPE THIS WORKS OUT. Both because I want to sell the house and because I want to eat celebratory CHIPOTLE tonight...

12:12 PM


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