No Bones About It

Ahh, this weekend was relatively more exciting than the one's of late.... Friday night watched Purdue win their first round game and my Bro-in-law and Sis-in-law from E-ville came to visit. Couldn't stay out late since we had a 16 mile run on Saturday morning which went pretty well. I went pretty slow but felt ok all things considering. Afterward, met up with the relatives and did my normal St. P day celebration. Molly Mallone's (Dubliner) with Jared and Wilcoxon. They were there at 7am which I could not partake due to the running but my heart was with them. Unfortunately, for the second straight year my good drinking buddy Charlie and I didn't link up. Very sad. There's always Octoberfest.
After that we went to Cactus Pear which I have not been to in awhile. Oddly enough, I think it might have been the first restaurant I came to in Cincinnati the night before my interview with P&G. Anyway, I forgot or never realized how amazing it is. For those SLC trippers, it is just as good as Red Iguana, not quite as extensive of a menu but the moles, prounounce mole lays, (That's what she said) are sehr gut.
Sunday was the official completion of the kitchen remodel, oh yeah, and my Birthday. Didn't really do much for my birthday but did get a freaking sweet rechargable worklight from my mother in law.... thanks Yovie. It's 32 LEDs and is crazy bright. For the demo had to basically polish off some loose ends, a few misc boards still attached to the floor and some walls. Unfortunately, realized I needed to tear out a significant portion of drywall which made a HUGE mess and had to clear away a small portion of the dining room ceiling which caused plaster to fall in areas I didn't want it to. However, Jenn started helping at the end of the day so we got prett much all the debris cleared out and in the dumpster which was rolled away on Monday at a very full state. I can't believe we filled 20 yards. Unfortunately, I'm not technically done because I have portions of the ceiling to clear in the basement which will cause a HUGE mess down there and take some time to assure I don't hit electric and plumbing lines. Plus I'll have to move the worsher and dryer. Balz... not looking forward to it.
However, we can officially clean up which I began last night. It is very slow though. No matter how hard you try, you just can't keep the dust contained. Fortunately, our couches are going away next week so I don't really care that they are pretty well trashed. It's just a matter of getting all the dust out of every nook and cranny on the bottom floor. Luckily, our dining room can be arrange now into somewhat of a kitchen.
Did have one somewhat interesting thing happen, at least Jenn thinks it's interesting. Found a nice little mouse skeleton, actually, as far as mice go, this bad boy was pretty big. Take a look.... and yes Jared, your hand was about 2 cm from this thing.
I'm actually impressed I haven't found more infestations in the house so just one carcass didn't seem too bad.
i only wish i could've gotten to him sooner to give him the care that he needed...
12:23 PM
great photography. i love it that our house's walls had a large supply of interesting objects in them.
1.) old razors
2.) old soap
3.) children's toys
4.) mens shorts
5.) kid's shirt
6.) various toys
7.) picture of bunch of dudes in a wood paneled room
8. mouse skeleton
4:55 AM
Picture of a bunch of dudes in a wood paneled room. Were they naked? Reminds me of a picture of a wood paneled room in Brown County that had some water leakage on it. There were no pictures of dudes, but something tells me dudes might have been in the vicinity - not sure since I wasn't there, but I have a gut feeling about it.
11:17 AM
i love the stuff that you find in old house walls. especially the exterior walls, as they would shove just about anything in there for "insulation". such as, beer bottles, old newspapers, various rags, and straw. lovely.
11:09 AM
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