
(Wow, I figured out how to add a picture.)
Sorry for the delay in posting after such a significant victory but I've been busy celebrating. As you saw on Jenn's blog we watched the game at my brother's and then drove home. Got back about 1am which is no big whoop as I planned on taking the morning off to run errands, etc. However, when I was at the oil change place just before I was going to work in the afternoon I saw the ticker mention the parade and the rally at the RCA dome on Monday afternoon that I was contemplating attending... that ticker pushed me over the edge. I got to work about 12:30, emailed Jenn, she was in, and I immediately left. Amy came along also and we got to the RCA dome ~4:30 and waited for the team to arrive. They were supposed to start the parade at 4pm but flight delays pushed it back a couple hours. Luckily, we were high and dry in the packed RCA dome.
It was pretty cool seeing the rally. Good, short speeches, and just the fans welcoming the team home. Very electric.
Tony Dungy has moved into the top spot (obviously still second to the wife) as my favorite person on earth. Sorry Bob Dole and Jim Cramer. His speech after the game, which I'm having trouble finding online, represented him and Christians so well. He didn't try to act like God gave them the superbowl win, yadda yadda, but rather he spoke of how God brought them together as a family which helped them win. God doesn't give a crap about the Colts winning the Superbowl, he does care how we live our lives and Dungy has tried to follow God's will in his job and instill those values in his team. Quality!!!
I can't say that I'm glad the Colts didn't get the win sooner but I will say that it sure makes it feel real good now. Had they won back when everyone just assumed they would win and it wouldn't feel as big a deal.
Now, if someone could just tell Larry Byrd and Rick Carlisle to do the same thing I would appreciate it. Those guys are such thugs. I miss my boys of ten years ago.
A few comments:
1) Lovie Smith I believe is also a Christian. Not only two African-American coaches making it to the top, but two Christian coaches doing it the right way.
2) Bob Dole and Jim Cramer are in your Top 5 of favorite people? I think the only reason you like Bob Dole is because he was in those commercials with Britney Spears. Down, boy!
3) Did everyone in the stadium have black Nike basketball shoes on? Indiana tradition.
4) I don't know if you remember this or not, but your going to the parade almost reminded me of walking on the field at the Rose Bowl one year. What an experience.
9:55 AM
well said babe. well said. i'm proud to be a HOOSIER this week!
8:27 AM
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