What makes the news?
We're finally moved in, work is getting under control, house projects are manageble and The Frank is back to health (pretty much) so that spells some time to blog. Oh yeah Jenn is out of town for pretty much 2 full weeks.... that will probably mean less time to blog since she takes pretty good care of me.
She and I had a pretty interesting conversation last night over our celebratory dinner of her AP Latin kids scoring extremely well on the AP exam... indication that she is the best Latin teacher this side of Latin America.
The conversation was around the news.... we complain often at how annoying it is that the news only gives us two things.... The weather, and all the bad things that are happening.
I'm so tired of hearing about murder this, and bombing that, bank robbery over there, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I think some of those things are news worthy but doesn't it make sense that people would actually want to hear some good news once in awhile.
So the question I have is... is it us, as a broad population, that will only watch the news if there is some conflict or bad thing? Or is it the news shows that only dig up the bad news. Perhaps because it is easy to find (police band, and public record)?
They speak Latin in Latin America? I thought they spoke American.
4:37 PM
thanks for the props sweetie. i'm blushing.
i think that if we had more good news or just news about OTHER stuff besides crime we all may just realize our world is a little better than we had previously thought, and road rage would go down, and church attendance would go up, and people would quit moving to the burbs, etc etc.
9:25 PM
This is why I like NPR, they seem to find all kinds of news.
10:15 PM
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