Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I've been getting some heat for not posting but one of the reasons was because no one seemed to be responding to some of my more intellectual posts. So, it's sorta in your hands. You still want to see stuff from me?... then I want some action. You've probably missed my opinions at their best as we just passed the election and I'm sure I'll post soon about my annoyance and the illegality of a smoking ban but for now I wanted to share this.... I was on a business trip in Cape Girardeau, MO. On my way to the airport in St. Louis to come home I saw a billboard for a bra shop. Unfortunately I couldn't get my camera phone out quick enough to snap a shot, not that I know how to download them but I did find a link to the store.

No big deal on the shop itself but notice the location. http://www.brashop.com/html/instore.htm



Blogger Jared said...

some jokes just write themselves. if I was choosing a location for my bra shop it would be Boob Creek, Alaska. check it out, it #197 on the list.


on a side note, good to see that your wife still knows how to make you fall into line. job well done jenn...

8:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks Jared.

Justin - I couldn't see the link because I'm at work and the web blocker message said it was "provacative." Guess I'll have to check it at home.

Nice work on a new post. I too am glad to see what kind of sway I have over you.

10:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, Ann needs a new website ... that thing hurt my eyes.

8:16 PM

Blogger Erin said...

i think it's funny that it said "provacative". because i thought it looked like a lot of old-lady panties. definitely NOT vicki's.

i, um, don't get the location joke. is it the olives? i've never heard of this euphemism, but i think it would work better for guy parts than girl parts.

also, if you post something intellectual, i promise to make a comment. probably a smart-ass comment, but a comment nonetheless.

11:51 AM

Blogger BAS said...

What is a "Hugh" selection of panties?

By the way, Jared can put his store in Boob Creek, Alaska or Maggie's Nipples, Wyoming - but I think there is little retail traffic in either of those parts of the country. I will far outsell him in Knoxville, Tennessee.

5:51 PM

Blogger Erin said...

you know, the true joy of the internet is that ann has heard rachel's cry and has updated the site: http://www.brashop.com

7:39 PM

Blogger BAS said...

I'm anxiously awaiting the 2007 version of SLC Post #2 (Day 2) in a few weeks.

That night, more Knob Creek.

10:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about some SLC posts?

2:30 PM


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