Princess Chicken

Had some pretty interesting stuff go down for us over the past week or so. We met with a really cool family, (Steve, Kathy, and their daughter Olivia) to officially start the adoption process. They adopted Olivia a couple years ago from China and are in process on their second daughter. Our plan is to pretty much copy what they have done. We talked with them for a couple of hours last Monday night before the storm hit and got numbers, and websites, etc.
Found out the wait period is a little longer than we thought. Close to two years from the very beginning. Unfortunately, after calling to get things rolling, found out that China has a lower age limit of 30 which means we can't even submit our paperwork until November when Jenn turns 30. Slight bummer but I think we are patient. Hopefully, the wait time after that point improves also so that instead of 2.5 years from right now it's more like 1.5-2. We'll see. Just gives us more time to get the kitchen finished. We may actually try to get twins. Who knows how all that will pan out.
They will almost definitely be girls but how cool would it be if we could get a boy too. I would totally name him General with the middle name Tso. That's just a cool sounding name. General.... "AND STARTING AT QUARTERBACK.... GENERAL WIIIILLLLLKKKKEEEEYYYY." Man, I really want a boy too now. That name is even better than Rodrigo. Ooooo, maybe we could do, Rodrigo General Wilkey. I think those may be my grandfather's initials too.
I sure hope the adoption people don't read your blog. They will surely not let you adopt a kid if you gonna name it after Chinese food. You've gotta start being a little more pc, Justy.
5:32 AM
Whatever, didn't Julia Roberts name all her kids after food? I think their names are Apple and Asparagus or something. Besides, the food was named after the man, possibility the greatest military leader in history.
7:36 AM
Man, i had no idea you wanted boys. this could be a problem.
Thanks for making me almost choke on my coffee while reading this. you are one funny dude. no son of mine will be named GENERAL. Seriously.
11:09 AM
P.S. Not Julia Roberts. That was the woman who is married to the lead singer of Coldplay. Whatshername. She named her kid apple. How about Madonna? Her son is ROCKO. thats a good football name! ROCKO WILKEYYYYY!
11:11 AM
Gwyneth Paltrow has the daughter named Apple, and a son named Moses. Madonna has the son named Rocco and a daughter named Lourdes. Weird.
1:00 PM
Courtney Cox = CoCo. Possibly the sneakiest way EVER to name the kid after the parent.
I used to work with a guy named General. I don't think that was his given name, but that is what everyone called him, and it was in his email address. I think it could work.
I'm excited for you to start the adoption process. I think I will try to mirror what you do, although I am actually concerned about hitting the upper age limit soon. :P I always wanted to have a girl, then twins (boy and girl). Now I think I'll probably just take whatever I'm blessed with when the time comes, although it has occurred to me that I could pick up a couple of girls in China, swing by Cambodia for a boy, and then go back later and get a girl and a boy from Africa. Sort of a toddler-level UN.
3:23 PM
PS - I wrote "back," as in, "back out of the US." I do not actually think that either China or Cambodia are inside of Africa, nor do I think that Africa is inside either China or Cambodia. Nor that China is inside Cambodia, or vice-versa. Just so we are all clear on that.
3:26 PM
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