Wednesday, May 10, 2006

House Cooling Party

The last bash on Pandora. Can't trash it but we can certainly enjoy it. Be sure to be at my house on Saturday night, 5:30. We will be grilling out. Let us know if you are coming so we can plan food accordingly. Bring a lawn chair if you have one handy.

Friday, May 05, 2006


I know my posts are slightly boring, I'll try to get back to my funnier self at some point. Here's the latest question around the HVAC system. I have found a little data on a newer technology that uses High Velocity Duct. Anyone know anyone that may have used this stuff and/or a contractor that installs it.

I have 4 contractors coming over on Monday but I think they are going to just be the normal forced air systems. This high velocity stuff is small ducting (2") and therefore smaller vents and things as well. Makes it easier to run the duct through an older home like ours.

Excitement is definitely starting to set in though. As soon as the home inspection is complete on our house I'll feel a ton better. Slightly worried something might come up that could break the deal.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

House Question #1 -Floor vs. Ceiling

I'm going to field a bunch of questions here probably because I need some input. Our first HUGE house project is replacing the radiant heat with a new forced air furnace and A/C. Obviously running ductwork is going to be interesting. One thing I'm wondering since I have the choice. Should we install the vents in the floor or the ceiling. In the upstairs there is no question we'll be putting it through the ceiling. However, in the downstairs it wouldn't be much of a pain to do it either way.

I think all new houses do the floor.... is that right? I assume it's an efficiency thing but if there is an argument for ceiling vents I think I might lean that way to avoid cutting holes in the floor and the limitations on furniture placement, etc.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Party's On!!!

After a brief interlude where we thought we might have a bidding war on our place today which forced a quick trip home to clean up and take the Frank out to get the house ready to show, we landed on a deal. Slightly less than we wanted but definitely satisfactory. I guess the buyer is probably saying "slightly more than we wanted but definitely satisfactory."

So, that means a few very key things. First, we are moving before June 5th. Second, I'm going to try to have a new HVAC system installed in my new house within the next 3 weeks. YIKES.

Thirdly, and most importantly. My graduation party is back on!!! It won't be much, probably a keg and some burgers, and of course some fire. If you can make it, please RSVP by phone or this blog so we can plan food accordingly. Please let others know that might be interested.

(sigh) Realtors

Although I have some really good friends that our realtors and at times thought it would be awesome to be a real estate agent, I really am annoyed with the profession in general. The removal of is evidence of how the realty business operates as a cartel like OPEC.

I'm only slightly annoyed right now but it at least warrants a blog. We got our offer yesterday morning.... pretty good overall but we definitely need to meet a middle ground. Of course they gave us until 5pm last night to get the counter offer back. Completely understandable as we could go shopping for bids if we take too much time. However, we countered around noon, and then last night I hear that the realtor is working the polls and won't get back to us until Wednesday.

This is where I get annoyed and why I was actually excited that the house I just bought was an owner agent. The realtors with my sell put in 2 extra people in the process to deal with and not only provides inefficiency into the bidding process but can actually screw up the deal. For instance, I proposed a change in the close date. Not sure if their request is a hard date, as in they have to be out of a lease, etc. However, we would like a different date but it's not a big deal either way, but the buffering of the realtors doesn't necessarily allow that communication to occur.

I think we are starting to see it but I think there will be a large shift in how real estate is bought and sold. I think realtors fit into the picture but their role should be drastically different.

Monday, May 01, 2006


I'll default to Jenn's post for my Friday night fun.... which was VERY FUN. Thanks to Wilcoxon, Jared, Burgie and or course Mark for the festivities and for not trashing our house which had a showing the following morning.

Saturday I went down the Red River Gorge to scout paths for a backpacking trip I'm taking some church kids on. I took the Frank so I could assess the pace of an 8 year old. He loves to hike despite his three legged walking. Found a pretty good loop too that I think the kids will like.

Sunday, spent the afternoon at the Fuji's in Louisville during our open house. Always great to see Kendall.

Then got home and got a call from the Realtor that we have an offer. He didn't know what it looked like yet and was going to forward it along as soon as he got to the office today. This could be a HUGE blessing if it's reasonable which I expect it will be. Freaking can't wait to see it though!!!!