Sunday, November 04, 2007

Good Day and Constipation

So it's been a little while since I blogged. Slightly busy but also slightly scared that I would let something slip, or comments would slip, about Jenn and Amy's surprise birthday party so I was hesitant to post.

Anyway, lots to update, kitchen and bathroom particularly, but I'm going to take this time to talk about possibly the greatest thing I have done all year.

Saturday night after Jenn's party we went downtown to Garfield Suites to hang out with her family for a few hours. There is a German foreign exchange student, Lea (like the princess), that is staying with Jenn's brother. We hung out with her over Labor day weekend also and she is way fun.

Anyway, I told the classic joke that my nephew taught me. "Did you hear about the new movie, "Constipation." ... "No? It hasn't come out yet." BUBUBUBBUUFFFFFFFF.

Lea didn't quite understand the word "constipation" and some folks started to sensitively explain it when I blurted out "Verstopfung" and got the affirmative nod from Lea. Yup, with all the German I have learned it appears that the 2 things I have not forgotten are how to say "good day" and "constipation."


Blogger Erin said...

that is so twisted. and awesome.

9:15 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

i couldn't even BELIEVE you remembered that. Heck, you don't even know how to ask "How do you say ___" in German.

Yes folks, when we were in Germany together, he actually asked the waiter "How do you say "check,"" IN SPANISH!! I seriously almost tossed my cookies I laughed so hard.

But he remembers the word for CONSTIPATION. Kinda tells you alot about his personal, um, issues, huh?

10:52 AM

Blogger Justin said...

Du hast einen toten vogel im deiner tasche.

6:41 AM

Blogger amo said...

This is just one of the many reasons why Justin fits into our family so well.

9:00 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

gooten morgen.

8:09 PM


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