Thursday, August 02, 2007


Some folks on Jenn's blog were getting confused on what they were looking at... here's a plan that hopefully helps. Dining room is on the right, the backyard would be on the bottom. FYI, the bathroom layout is slightly different... the toilet would be on the opposite wall. Feel free to stop by and look at our mess, and bring food. We don't even have a microwave right now because it's covered in plastic and a pain to uncover.


Blogger Heidi said...


1:49 PM

Blogger Jenn said...

man, we should have that signed by amo and framed when we are done. Heee.

3:28 PM

Blogger BAS said...

That bathroom doesn't even have room for a poop stick.

5:28 PM

Blogger Justin said...

Won't need a poop stick with this flushing system.

5:45 AM

Blogger BAS said...

Hard to tell - I've never seen any of Jenn's poops before, but the way you describe them ...

5:15 PM

Blogger amo said...

wow. I can't believe this discussion about poos.

3:47 PM

Blogger Jared said...

always, always remember to sharpen one end of said poop stick. you never know when you may need to take a divide and conquer approach with a stubborn fecal output...

4:33 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

My poops are perfectly fine in a standard toilet. Justin was NOT referring to my poops earlier, but my toots, which are much more problemmatic.

thanks for the tip Jared.

4:42 AM

Blogger Justin said...

That was a pretty good pun... "tips" regarding sharpening the tips of the poop stick

5:41 AM


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