Thursday, February 23, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Cell Phone Plans
Need some insight... After 2 gruelling years Jenn and I's cell phone contract is finally up. Although Sprint has been fine we are ready to change plans to reduce cost slightly and we both need new phones. I have been shopping around a bit and Cingular has been a front runner as far as cost but I really don't want to get into a 2 year contract again. Just came across a President's day sale with T-Mobile that is only 12 months, the price we are looking for, and 2 free Moto Razors.
With that said... anyone have any feedback on T mobile? I have heard so-so reviews on their service in the past but for the price it might be worth it for us. Plus we just got a home IP phone again so our cell phones will really be more functional convenience rather than necessity.
Any input would be helpful. According to the website (wirefly) I have to purchase by the end of the day.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Garbage Disposal

Spent the weekend installing a garbage disposal, not replacing, installing. Here are the stats:
Time Spent - ~12 hours
Cost - ~$175
Tools Used
-Hammer (2)
-Pipe Wrenches (2)
-MORriS (Mother Of all Reciprocating Saws)_
-Coat Hanger (2)
-Ski Pole
-25 pound dumbbell
-Wire cutters
-Pliers (Needle nose and regular)
Contorted Positions - 23
Trips to Home Depot - 2
Electric Shocks - 0
Overall, although it took awhile and was not without frustrations, my reduction in trips to HD, and the zero electric shock factor, made this home improvement item all around okay. The wiring was definitely the challenging part, especially since I suck at electricity stuff. My first "C" came in my "Electricity and Electromagnetism" class in college... I'm not bragging, there were plenty more. But, I got out of that class and thanked God that I was going to be a civil engineer.
I thought I'd take the challenge of this one considering a guy I work with said that wiring to the breaker is pretty easy and I had bought the GD over a year ago and never had it installed because it was going to cost over $300 to have someone do it, not including materials. I hate electric work because the electric shock risk but since I would be wiring to the breaker my risk of electric shock was lower since I wouldn't hook it up until the end.
Then I remembered, it wasn't the safety that bugged me about wiring, I hate wiring because it's a pain in the butt. Especially if you have an old house like mine that doesn't have a wall cavity to feed the wire.
Luckily it's done and I don't think anything will catch of fire or leak. Would I do it again? Not a chance.
Monday, February 06, 2006
In a meeting
Life at P&G from the outside sounds really boring... and I suppose there is some truth to that although I do admit I like my job. It's funny though because 95% of my job is meetings and email. With a big chunk of that the meeting portion. I'm actually in a conference call right now.
I have to admit I sorta slacked off last week, especially on a small project I am just "helping" on. We're reviewing a follow-up list right now and I completely forgot to do some of my follow-ups... or at least I think I forgot. Of the roughly 10 items I had, 4 I actually did complete. However, 5 others, just as I was about to apologize for slacking, someone else chimed in and gave my update as complete.... it was very eerie. Unfortunately, one time someone on the call sneezed loudly and I couldn't hear anything except... "Justin has (asdfasdfopioijioadfasdfasdfk;lkjasdf)... So we're good." Didn't think I did anything on it so I have to figure that out.