Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sorry for the delay

Haven't posted in awhile.... been pretty busy at work which is where I would usually take 5 and write my post.

Had St Pattie's day and my B-day last weekend. If you didn't already read Wilcoxon's blog or Jared's it will be news to you that Nick Lachey made an appearance at my favorite, newly reopened, neighborhood bar on Friday. I have to admit it sorta bugged me because that definitely does not fit the style of that bar where they main clientele are in their 40s. However, it did make for a relatively interesting afternoon and hopefully it wil boost the bar's popularity a bit while it gets off it's feet.

B-day was pretty sweet, got a couple of cool new t shirts, and some other stuff off my gift registry. Jenn made me a sweet Wiedemann cake. Yup fellas, she's a keeper.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nightmare last night

I don't often remember my dreams but last night I sure did. I had a dream that I was at the newly opened Dubliner (bar near my house) with Jenn and the rennovations consisted of turning it into a bar themed around boating. Decor was stupid and almost what you would see in a crappy fraternity... or cabin in a speed boat. For those of you familar with Dubliner, I was sitting in the side room just off the short part of the bar. When I realized the crappy decor in my dream I got up and saw that the bar didn't even have bar stools and no overhang to allow bar stools and it was all done in bamboo or something. I then saw the new name of the bar... Boaterboyz. Unfreaking believable. I sat back down at my table and started to cry... not sure if that physically happened or not but it definitely happened in the dream. Everything was pretty hazy after that but I do know I went home and put my house up for sale. My neighborhood was dead to me.

I should probably be the one that knows this but does anyone know when it's going to reopen? My St Patties Day plans hinge around that place being open. There is no indication on the outside yet of when the grand opening will be.

BTW, on St Patties Day I think Jenn is going to put some snacks together in the evening so folks can come over and watch me stumble back from the Dubliner and eat off the stupor. All are welcome in my opinion. That will usher in my B-day which is the next day.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Duhn…. Duhn duhn duhn, duhn duhn duuuuuhhnnnnnnnn

Got off the bus this morning and had just finished listening to the latest “Onion” podcasts.

(BTW, if you have an Ipod and don’t get these, you are crazy. Quick, 1 minute spoof newscasts that makes me laugh out loud almost everytime.)

As I started walking toward my building I switched over to the Rocky Soundtrack and kicked in some “Eye of the Tiger.” As I walked toward the towering Purple and Teal, Luvs and Pampers banners with the beat matching every step I felt my intensity and productivity increasing. I gave Kandoo (The Frog) and high five, (actually a low five, his arms aren’t above his head, and yes we have a 5 foot tall statue of Kandoo in my lobby) and I just knew that today was going to be a good day.

I thought the “Eye” would only work in sports situations but I am kicking butt today!!! When I’m done with this project, you guys are going to see the greatest training pant that ever was created. Huggies Suck!!!