Monday, January 29, 2007


No, I'm not talking about the Van Halen song, although it is one of their best and one of the first songs I bought on Itunes. I'm talking about the things that happen in your sleep. I seldom remember any of my dreams... not sure I actually have them much. About once a quarter I remember one though and I had a doosie the other night. Obviously details are vague, and the linkages are subject to random dreamdom but here's the short of it.

I was on a trip in some form, might have been my trip to Utah and we were returning home. On the way home we stopped off to spend the night at Tony Dungy's place. Evidently he lives on a large lake and before we went to the house we were hanging out by the lake with a bunch of other lake residents. There was something going on down there, they were sorta having an HOA meeting or something but for whatever reason I started walking up the road to go back to the house which was a mile or more away. On the way a shuttle started coming up behind me, like the ones at the Kings' Island parking lot. I think Burgdorf was on it and as it came closer I realized Tony Dungy was driving it, and it wasn't exactly a shuttle, but a fighter jet. How sweet!!! Dungy is not only a great coach but he has a fighter jet that he taxis around his lake giving people rides. As I boarded on the back of the plane I noticed other fighter jets flying around, at abnormally slow speeds. Evidently it was some sort of fighter jet lake community.

Once we got to Dungy's house we checked it out but then he showed us that he has kept all of his clothes in the Mayflower moving truck out on the street because he figures at any minute he might lose his job and have to move. I think I am still suffering from the loss of Marchibroda back in the 90s.

Monday, January 22, 2007


I pulled up my blog to see if there are any previous posts about my loyalty to the Colts. Unfortunately, I'm not as loyal to blogging as I am the Colts so of course there isn't any mention but anyone who knows me well knows the turmoil I have seen. This is a message to all you fair weather Bengal spankers. I AM A COLTS FAN and have been since eight-four when they moved to Indy. I didn't jump on the bandwagon in the last 5 years*. I remember Hogeboom, Eric Dickerson, and our fan favorite, Jeff George**.

For those of you that think the Colts just recently got decent, you are terribly wrong. Nine-Five/Six was still one of the most exciting seasons and they were one catch from the superbowl. Although I was extremely pissed when they let Marchibroda go, still my favorite coach.

Enough history... I had the bittersweet pleasure of flying into Indy yesterday from Utah. I landed about 10am and I can't tell you how exciting it was to see a city support their team. There were a few Colts jerseys on the plane but I noticed a HUGE "Go Colts" banner hanging from the steelwork on the new Indy Airport Terminal.
Plus signs on the floor was you walk off the plane and then EVERYONE had Colts Jerseys on!!! The workers, the travellers, everyone!!! I was ashamed I had not worn mine on the plane. I was saving it for later in the day, at least that was my excuse. It was a sea of blue.

I can't tell you how excited, relieved, happy, that the Colts finally made it. Year after year, you see these quality guys almost get there but then struggle in the playoffs. I'm the first to admit that Peyton has never won a big game, including in college, but again, this is why Indy fans are quality. When they go down in the playoffs, we don't start cursing and hating the team like other fans, we feel some sadness, a little empathy for the players, and then we start looking to next year. Fortunately, "next year" is now!!!! and Superbowl title is hopefully finally coming to the circle city!!!! My only disappointment is my favorite player, Stokely, is not going to see the field. He is pictured above.

*For DU guys, like Don Housley who conveniently was a Bulls and Packers fan in the early nineties. I wonder how well that passion is maintaining???

**My favorite memory of Jeff George is from the Bob and Tom Show, prior to national syndication, when they sent Chick down to Atlanta to cover the Pacers/Hawks in the playoffs. BTW, I am also a Pacers fan although that is becoming more difficult as they pull in more and more thugs. Anyway, Chick came back with audio from a bar in Atlanta where he got the room chanting. "Jeff George Sucks! Jeff George Sucks!" JG was the QB in Atlanta at the time, I think that is when he went missing for awhile. That was the only audio Chick had.... nothing about the Pacers, no interviews with local fans.... just "Jeff George Sucks! Jeff George Sucks!" Incidently, he did suck. That guy is such a spanker, he even hosed Purdue. I'd love it if somewhere in Miami a bar starts chanting that.